Up from the grave it arose! My son’s car had an issue. He did not know it was an issue, but immediately upon getting in his car I could hear it. As a dad, experience...
Let the light shine out! “Let the light shine out from the great Northwest; we turn our hearts to thee. ……So thrust us out & lead us on, to promised...
Supporting church planters as missionaries. “Our name doesn’t have to be on the building for us to reach people for the gospel.” I sat in my pastors office in Texas...
A few ways to love someone you disagree with online or in person. There’s something in the proverbial water among Christians online and in person during this highly charged political season. A desire...
Imposter syndrome and the Christian It’s the day after Easter, and as a Pastor, I am feeling it. Maybe you have felt it. Something called “Imposter syndrome.”...
Only Through the Cross! Theologian, Pastor, and eventual Martyr Dietrich Bonhoeffer wrote in a sermon on Memorial Day in Berlin Germany on February 12,...
Am I going in the right direction? Sometimes, when I watch my oldest son play a video game, he tries to navigate where he should go. One game he plays creates an...
How to return to church. Rediscovering the heart of church: How do you return to church? When I was a kid, I was not a believer in Jesus. So we watched whatever we...
“I’m fine, everything is fine.” “Everything is fine.” Have you said this recently? How about “I’m good.” But you’re not. You are...