Why Friendship Matters Among Christians Why does it matter for Christians to have friendships? Christian friendship creates a safe space for confession: Christian friendship...
How to go to church? Start on Saturday. It’s Saturday afternoon. Some are at the lake house, fishing. Some are shopping with the family, getting coffee, or grilling for...
Why would a new church fail and why would it thrive? My wife and I have gotten to be a part of 5 church plants over the last 23 years of ministry together. We have helped plant churches in...
Too much, too long, too late: Screen time & your family. Screen use before bed is a big issue in many homes for families, negatively impacting especially children. Brightness and lighting...
Does Holiness matter at work? You’ve heard it before… A reporter from a prominent big city publication was suspended, investigated, and subsequently fired...
Why do we communicate poorly when we are upset? The call came, that appointment you have been waiting on for weeks. And you missed it. The engine just got dramatically worse and...
Waiting on Super Pastor We are looking for a pastor—a next-gen pastor, a worship pastor, a senior pastor, a campus pastor, or a kids...
Why do we keep choosing incompetent leaders? There is no shortage of articles on incompetent leaders. Whether you are a believer in Biblically based values or not, The Bible...
You asked for it! “It is difficult to make predictions, especially about the future.” Yogi Berra As a former foster kid and pastor who has...