How to go to church? Start on Saturday.

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It’s Saturday afternoon.
Some are at the lake house, fishing.
Some are shopping with the family, getting coffee, or grilling for tonight’s dinner.
Some are taking that Saturday nap with the dog.
Some are playing video games.
Some are working on projects, catching up on training, and doing lawn care.
Are you ready for Sunday church?
How do you get ready for Sunday?
Going to church on a Sunday isn’t a Sunday morning call; it’s a Saturday decision.
So, how do you decide intentionally?
Here are some things we do.
We have a family of 6 with 4 kids ranging from 9-20 years of age….oh, and two dogs. Can’t forget the dogs.
We lay out our clothes early. No one is arguing or getting scolded on Sunday morning, for where their shoes are or searching in the closet for their dress, or jacket.
We go to bed earlier Saturday night. We do not allow anyone to be up all night on their phones or watching T.V. or working on projects till past midnight. If we go out with friends we call it a night earlier than normal.
You have to be awake in church and respectful enough to pay attention. Less arguing when you are rested too!
We pray together the night before. Sometimes as a couple, sometimes before bed with the kids. Sometimes at dinner. We pray about what we will learn, how we will apply it, that we will listen and that we will expect God to show up.
We make sure gas is in the car and we know where our Bibles and other items are that we might need for church.
We set alarms. We are up and awake at least an hour and a half before church starts. Breakfast has been eaten and if anyone spills anything then we have time to change clothes and get dressed and ready.
We arrive early. Maybe a half hour early. At least, so we can see people, visit, and get into the sanctuary on time. We need to check in our kids to kids church, or nursery and preschool. We also serve so we are there 30 minutes early at least. Sometimes earlier.
As my friend and fellow Doctoral Candidate Tommy Galban, Pastor of Evangel Community Church in Snelling Georgia says:
“Can’t wait to spend time with our church family tomorrow! I believe coming to church is a Saturday decision.
Get your clothes ready.
Come prayed up expecting God to speak into your life.
Get ready to open your Bibles and learn.”
Now that’s a good word!